Monday, November 24, 2008

Speedlinking & "Where're My Posts!?!"

OK, I've been very mobile lately and working on my Mac laptop. I've been posting and writing blogs, but for some reason they aren't getting all! I know that Blogger had some issues with Mac Safari capability, so maybe they are still having some new problems.

Anyhow, take my word for it, you missed the best posts ever. They were so good that I can't reproduce them.

Here are some great posts from the last two weeks:

  1. Stuff Christians Like is the first "Christian" blog that I've laughed at...I warn you not to drink milk while reading this one!
  2. A great post on Medium and Message. It lifts up Bill Watterson's "Calvin and Hobbes" cartoon as an excellent example of guarding the medium of the message and how this relates to the Christian mission. This was the topic of one of my posts that were magically deleted.
  3. Just Mizundastood? Seth Godin warns us all that we WILL be misunderstood from time to time. My question is: So what do we do knowing that we'll be misunderstood? I think in the blogging world, it means being Patient, Loving, and taking time to explain what one means without resorting to "they don't like me, they're attacking me."
  4. CommonCraft had the best statement I've ever seen from a company. We goofed, and we started over because hard work and time are worth the value and quality of our product. A company I already love, endeared me even more.

Enjoy! I know that I have!

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