Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mountain T.O.P., Isaiah, & Beyond

Mountaint T.O.P. mission trip with our youth went really well. Stephanie and I, both, were able to go, and we enjoyed the experience. It was a refreshing experience for us as a couple as well as a great way to spend time with our youth.

Sometimes, when you live in a golden castle, you forget the value of gold. Living with such a wonderful wife, it's easy to take her for granted. My personal experience from the trip was a renewed appreciation for my beautiful wife and her heart.

Yesterday was Isaiah's 4th birthday, too! Such a big man! I took some time to spend with family. We ate at a McDonald's playplace (Isaiah's vocal request whenever we eat out), and we played during the afternoon. For the party we went to Chucky-Cheese's, and Mommy had made a birthday cake with Spiderman on it. He told us repeatedly "Thank you" and that he enjoyed his birthday. As a parent that melts your have your child truly appreciate gifts and love. It was a great day.

My hope is to get some pics up soon, too!